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A Tale of Two reports and their critique

I was tempted into scrutinising the 2 reports by NDTV reporters 
Srinivas Jain  & Niha Masih  
since a certain (Rohit Pradhan)  
produced a rebut 
to the critique by

Looking at his piece I thought, even I could do this. It doesnt really need any special skills.

Adding my comments/questions in between. 
Before you begin, keep in mind the bias of the reporters. These people are ALLEGEDLY carrying out an investigation to report. They should have refrained form turning this report into an op-ed styled article.


The 1st News Article

Updated: August 24, 2014 17:56 IST

Using the alleged gang-rape of a Hindu woman in Meerut, the BJP has chosen to give a communal edge to violence against women in Uttar Pradesh, saying in its political resolution that crimes against women are rising, and that the increasing involvement of 'a certain community' (implying Muslims) is a matter of concern.
                    You get a sense here where this “report” is going

Alternative introduction they could have started with.
In the past few days, we have witnessed BJP & Allies bringing up the term Love Jihad. For those readers who are unaware, here is the wiki definition.
“Love Jihad, also called Romeo Jihad, is an alleged activity under which young Muslim boys and men reportedly target young girls belonging to non-Muslim communities for conversion to Islam by feigning love.”
This term was first used in Kerala and Mangalore, but subsequent investigations have found no evidence of such a phenomena. Investigations are still going on.
Love Jihad was stirred up recently after a string of kidnapping and rape incidents that have surfaced in this region.  We decided to check if there is any substance to these claims.

But it is unclear on what basis the BJP has made that claim, given that the data of violence against women -  a serious problem in UP - is never compiled on the basis of religion of the accused.

-----------------------------------FAIR ENOUGH-----------------------------------------

What the official data (from the UP police) does tell us is that Meerut range is UP's rape epicentre with 389 cases registered last year, the highest in the state. In 2013, Meerut also clocked 423 dowry cases, also the highest in UP, and 1119 cases of kidnapping of women, the second highest in UP. 

-------------------------------DECENT DATA COLLECTION--------------------------

There is nothing to suggest that minorities are responsible for these high numbers. 

-------------At this point of time just going to ignore this statement-----------------

NDTV reviewed police data from rape cases in Meerut district from January to August this year - so far there have been 37 cases.  Of these in only seven cases the accused are from the minority community. In all the remaining cases, the accused are from the majority community. Of the total number of accused, 58 are Hindus and 13 are Muslims.

Let’s take a pit stop here.
Last year rapes record , 2013 :  389
This year Jan-Aug (more than half a year) : 37
Any sane person would raise a red flag here.
1.     Why is the case count from this year only 10% of last years?
2.     If this data is authentic, were the cases reported last year abnormally high?
3.     If yes could they be attributed to the Riots?
4.     If no then what is the reason for this sudden drop? Is the state police not recording the cases.
5.     Are these 37 only the solved cases or registered cases?

Next, pls drop this shitty minority vs majority reporting. Either use the community names all the times in a report or don’t use them at all.

Rape Cases --  7 Cases Muslims Accused , 30 Cases Hindu Accused
Accused list – 58 Hindus , 13 Muslims
1.     From the accused list, were there cases with accused from both communities?
2.     How many from the accused have been convicted?
3.     Was there an overlapping of cases, that is one group accused in two or more cases?
4.     How did they determine the religion, based on the names? Don’t know in UP, in the southern states you wouldn’t know the Christian names from the Hindu’s.

Now the next logical question is, the Meerut case was initially a kidnapping case, which the police refused to register. So can they ignore the 1k kidnapping cases?

And yet BJP politicians and Hindutva groups have SELECTIVELY rushed to protest against those cases of violence against women where the accused are Muslims and the victims are Hindus.

We put this to Rajendra Aggarwal, the BJP MP from Meerut, who has been involved in the protests against the alleged Meerut gang-rape. He said that the BJP was not being selective, but only jumped into this case because the state government was going out of its way to protect the Muslim accused. When we asked him if he had ever protested against any of the other rape cases in Meerut, he said yes, but did not give specifics.
We could also accuse NDTV of selective reporting, where they avoided reporting on the Meerut “Alleged” rape.
What kind of reporter relies on someone’s answers? They could and should have dug into their archives. Or else just skipped the selective protest angle all together. 
BJP has been very effectively protesting against all the rape cases in UP. It works to their advantage. Why would they just take up one case? They are in the opposition in this State!

At Meerut College, the oldest in the city, the young women we met say they have never heard about 'love jihad', responding to our question with bemused puzzlement.

DUH ! The whole premise of Love Jihad is that the women are being duped!

What they do know is daily harassment, which doesn't come with religious markers. 'Whenever we go out, we face comments from the boys' was the refrain amongst all the women students we spoke to. 'Its not as if the boys are from any one community,' said a student. Almost all agreed that the harassment is getting worse.

The facts suggest the real risk to Hindu women of Meerut, or indeed  UP, are not men of any minority but men in general.
Couldn’t agree with you more here.

The 2nd News Article
Story First Published: August 26, 2014 10:41 IST
So its been 2 days now, the reporters have had a day to digest and process the data they collected. So we should hope for a better analysis.
The BJP's new rhetoric focusing on a communal twist to crimes against women in Uttar Pradesh is not borne out by cold facts.
UGH! Its INNOCENT until proven GUILTY. Not Vice Versa

Data accessed by NDTV shows that in western Uttar Pradesh, where vociferous campaigns have highlighted the alleged abuse of Hindu women by Muslim men, women have been assaulted by men from their own community in most rape cases this year.
Rapes do not cover all abuses. But nonetheless lets carry on.

On Sunday, we had reported that in Meerut district, where the alleged gang-rape of a woman took on a communal colour, Muslims were accused in seven of the 37 rape cases reported this year. The accused were Hindus in the remaining 30 cases.

Detailed data for rape cases covering a wider footprint of all nine districts of Western Uttar Pradesh prove that the reality does not match the concerns raised by the BJP, which in a political resolution passed by its UP unit on Sunday, mentioned the increasing involvement of 'a certain community' in crimes against women of a 'certain community'.
That’s good, its always better to bring in a larger sample space.

This year, there have been 334 rape cases in the districts of Meerut, Bulandshahr, Ghaziabad, Gautam Buddh Nagar, Baghpat, Hapur, Saharanpur, Muzaffarnagar and Shamli.

In 25 cases, the accused are Muslim and the women are Hindu. This is almost the same as the number of cases - 23 - in which the women are Muslim and their attackers are Hindu.

In 96 cases, the accused and victims are Muslim. And in 190 cases - the highest number - the accused and victims are both Hindu.
Before we get into these numbers, pls note their first report was on Love Jihad. Since BJP did not include the term in its political resolution for UP, these 2 reporters also seemed to have dropped the term very slyly. So this report is not for Love Jihad, just about the increasing involvement of a M community against the crimes of an H community.

So, to put it in perspective whatever information they have shared here to debunk the BJP theory will work only if it disproves the increase in these crime rates over the year. Obviously also comparing the crime rate for the other H community, and a gazillion other factors. 
But since we have data from one year, not sure what kind of silly conclusions do they want to draw.

MATH 101 They tell us 190 > 96  but so is 25 > 23
So what should one conclude from here ? Nothing. Zilch. But the spin doctors conclude their report right here.

If I had to spin the report, I would do a 
MATH 102  25/96 > 23/190
Hence, Higher % Crime Rate against the other community is from the M community.

And to go a step further ( does a much better job), I would bring in demographics in place and do a 
MATH 103 
75% x = H , 25%x = M , 55%H = H-male, 56%M = M-male
                        41%x = H-male , 14%x = M-male
                        Crimes by H-male = 213
                        Crimes by M-male = 121
                        Ratio of Crimes to Male Population
                        H – 213/41%x = 519/x
                        M – 121/14%x = 864/x
The point is numbers are useless without context.  We don’t have the context here.
1.     Previous years data.
2.     Demographic distribution
3.     Economic Factors.
4.     Details of Repeat Offenders.
5.     External Factors like riots, calamities, elections.
6.     No of Marital Rapes.

These cases should only be considered as a fraction of all the rapes. A lot of Hindu women wouldn’t report the cases, and I am assuming a lot of Muslim cases would be resolved within their local religious boards. 


It is important to reiterate that crime data is not normally defined along religious lines. We specifically asked for it, to check political claims. This is a time-consuming and sensitive exercise that should be avoided.

If the BJP and the Sangh Parivar have any data to counters these numbers, they have not shared it so far.

When we asked BJP's UP president, Laxmikant Bajpai, why, despite such data, they continue to express selective outrage at rape cases, he said they are looking at crime against women as a whole and not on the basis on caste or religion.

I am no data scientist, economist, journalist, columnist, sociologist, no ist of any kind. Just a regular jane who expects facts to be reported and conclusions best left to the consumer, unless it is printed under the oped section.


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