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Oops We Did it Again

What happens when you run around in circles? You get nowhere and if you're on earth a year passes by. We're back where it all started. After a round of lockdowns, aggressive tracing, testing and treating, government throwing up its hand in defeat, the virus magically diminishing from the population, we have arrived at the doorstep of another round of lockdowns. We went from tracking COVID numbers to tracking vaccinations and back to watching COVID cases quadruple every week. But this time, the government machinery is focussed on vaccinating the most vulnerable population, they might not even have the bandwidth to set up another trace, test, treat task force. But do take comfort in the fact that there won't be any vessels bangings even. On Social Media we have gone from questioning the number of cases & death reported to questioning our vaccine choices to cribbing the vaccination pace is no good and now we're again trying to find pictures of every cremation in this c...
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An Uneven Playground

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Where did all the time go

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Peacefool times

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The Holi Debate

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Celeb talks

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Feministas : Queens of controversy

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