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Showing posts from January, 2015

Je suis Charlie ou Je suis Ahmed ou Je ne suis Charlie! Qui suis-je?

Je suis Charlie ou Je suis Ahmed ou Je ne suis Charlie! Qui suis-je? The shooting in Paris last week that shook the world, resurfaced the modern day debate on Islam and its follower. The twitter world was flooded with the hash tag #JeSuisCharlie subsequently followed by #JeNeSuisCharlie and then finally yielding to #JeSuisAhmed. It is one of those incidents that shake you up completely. In a world probably immune to the atrocities carried out by the likes of ISIS & BOKO HARAM in bulk, shooting a few cartoonists by some loony extremists shouldn't surprise us. Even if it doesn't surprise us, it should shock us. This didn't happen in a conflict zone or in a politically unstable region. The attack wasn't carried out by an organized militant/terrorist foreign group. It is scary that in a crowded, lively city of a stable country with a decent judicial system, 3 of its citizens just decided that a certain group of people doesn’t deserve to live. What is...